Essential Oils are part of an ancient practice of health and well-being. Throughout human history, plants have been the the only source for medicine and the practice of using essential oils on a regular basis is an integral part of the Yoga lineage. While over-the-counter and prescription drug use and abuse are reaching all-time highs, society is beginning to question the practicality of using chemicals and synthetics for day-to-day ailments and household items. Many people are turning to more natural products and holistic medicine alternatives to soothe their bodies, minds and spirits. Some examples of these alternatives include Naturopathy, Yoga, Massage, Exercise, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and plant-based medicine (herbs, Essential oils, tea).
I invite you to use essential oils in your life: as a self-care practice, as a healing modality, as an alternative to chemical cleaning products and as a way to support a cleaner and more natural way of life.